Project 8 Brochure

Description: This is a self-made brochure for my Comm-130 class. We had to use the various things from the Adobe suit like Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop. I made the new Colorado Flag with the Horsetooth rock as my new logo in Illustrator with the pen tool as well as the shape tool. Then I found…

Project 7 Word Page

Description: This is a simple website design to showcase a logo that we have made. We used html and css to create it. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): We starting this project we were given the skeletons to build off of. We had to work in html and css within Text Wrangler. Message: This is a…

Event Flier for A Friend

  A friend of mine recently had me make a simple black and white flier for a class that she is teaching for a school assignment. She knew I could make her something that would appeal to married couples that have children so I put it together for her. She wanted simple black and white…

Project 6 Stationary

  Description: This project is learning how to match a letterhead and business card design from a personally created logo. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): For this project I used Adobe Illustrator. For this project I decided to recreate one of my favorite animals the grizzly bear. I had sketched other possibilities out but when I…

Project 5 Logos

Description: Three variations of a logo created in Adobe Illustrator. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): For this project we were to create three different logos that have various styles like type, shape, symbol or illustration. For this project I used Adobe Illustrator for the first time and it was so great. I had a lot of…

Project 4 Montage

  Description: A Photoshop montage that is spiritual in nature. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, Steps taken while designing): This project was so great. Once I had an understanding of how to work the Adobe Photoshop tools I could pull myself away from the computer. For this photoshop project I pondered what images I wanted to…

Project 3 Photodesign

  Description: For this project we needed to learn basic photography skills, pick a color scheme and then take photos that correspond with that color, use Photoshop to edit the picture and create a poster layout with an original photo. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): I spend a lot of time in the Scroll…

P3 Activity: Photography

  Light 1: Outside   Light 2: Inside Focus 1: Foreground Focus 2: Background Composition: Thirds   Composition: Lead Photography Process: This was a interesting activity. I have never used a DSLR Camera before so learning how to focus, change the ISO, aperture, adjust the shutter speed and how to change the lens itself was…

Project Two: Event Ad

Link to Event Ad: P2AllisonHoutz Description: For this project we had to create and Event Ad in Microsoft Word. We had to come up with a fictional event/place/time/etc. as well as scan the picture for the project. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): We used Microsoft Word in the Publishing Layout. We had to scan in…

Project 1 Flier

Description: This is the first project for my Visual Media Course at BYU-Idaho. We were to make a flier for a company using a photo, the company logo and the provided information of the event. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): For this project I used Adobe InDesign. I used the many available tools within the program…