BYU-Idaho Innovation Summit: Mike Murry

I had the great opportunity to sit in on an Innovation Summit at my college, Brigham Young University this morning. There were three great speakers in attendance but I was only able to hear Mike Murry’s address.

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This man has done so many great things in his life. He went to Stanford, worked at Apple, Microsoft, as an Area Seventy in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a Mission President in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania mission and is the co-founder of Unitus and Friends of the Children-Seattle.

He is an example that I want to aspire to.

While he was talking, he spoke about how sarcasm, one of my pitfalls, will limit your success in life. This hit me a little hard because I have a strong desire to be successful, yet sarcasm is something I use daily. Just ask my roommates, family and classmates. I guess I can honestly say that even though it stung, it’s true, and I will be working even harder to be rid of it.

Getting further into his talk, Mike talked about change and how it can be difficult to cope with.

He used his many examples of the different jobs he took after finishing a degree at Stanford. He started as and intern for Apple and then worked side-by-side with Steve Jobs! I don’t know about you, but when I think of where I have to go in the future in order to be deemed ‘successful’, all I picture are the big name companies. Well, along with my professors, Mike Murry said:

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This has reminded me that even though I may never work with the big name companies, my work is important and valued. I will go where the Lord wants me to go.

Mike also moved on to talk about those who feel stuck. Again, this hit home because I feel stuck.

I feel like I’m not sure where to go next and taking a set in the dark is a huge act of faith and trust in God my Heavenly Father.

It is funny that this is brought up at this Innovation Summit. Earlier last week I talked with my Professor about what to do with my life. He labeled what I was saying as an “existential crisis”. He talked about how, where ever you go, you can add value. That conversation and this Summit have brought me hope for my future.

I know if I do take the step in faith, I’ll be guided but I am someone who hates the dare and hates not having a solid plan for life. Well, I guess the jokes on me.

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In conclusion, I loved what Mike Murry had to say. I wish I had been able to attend the other sessions.

Mike Murry’s words have inspired me to continue forward in faith, to trust in God and to ask the right questions when things get hard.

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