Project 7 Word Page


  1. Description: This is a simple website design to showcase a logo that we have made. We used html and css to create it.
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): We starting this project we were given the skeletons to build off of. We had to work in html and css within Text Wrangler.
  3. Message: This is a showcase of my logo that I have made and the creative process that went into its creation.
  4. Audience: This is for anyone who is interested in reading about how I do my work and want to have me to make one for them.
  5. Top Thing Learned: This is the first time I have touched html to actually make something nice. I am nowhere near a pro but I was able to get a hang of it pretty fast. With changing colors, placing the logo and getting the background. I was also able to make the website layout change as you go from bigger to smaller devices or webpage size. One thing I tried to do was add the logos in for twitter, pinterest and wordpress and having the link to my accounts with those from there but that idea crashed after trying countless times.
  6. Color scheme and color hex(s): Blue; darker blue #0f75bc, white #ffffff, light blue #6ba9e2, black #000000
  7. Title Font Families & Category: “Happy Fox”, Helvectia, decorative/sans-serif;
  8. Copy Font Families & Category: “Helvetica”, Arial, sans-serif;
  9. Changes made to the CSS: I changed the colors, font families, the header’s size, placement of the logo and changing the page to change size for different screens or devices.

Word Count: 243

2 Comments Add yours

  1. ninaolsen16 says:

    I really enjoy your website design! I love the layout and your background-image looks great. It goes really well with your logo and it doesn’t look busy. It has really nice visual flow and white spacing. I love your color scheme, it gives it a really calm and cool feel. Great job! Check out mine!


  2. Very nice work, Allison! It’s clear to me that you put effort into this project, and have had previous experience with web design. The web site is professional looking, interesting to look at, and holds true to the design principles we have discussed. I am especially impressed with your background. Nice touch adding a link to some of your social networks, by the way 😉

    Check mine out here!


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