Project 5 Logos


  1. Description: Three variations of a logo created in Adobe Illustrator.
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): For this project we were to create three different logos that have various styles like type, shape, symbol or illustration. For this project I used Adobe Illustrator for the first time and it was so great. I had a lot of fun figuring out how to use the tools by watching the instruction videos provided as well as many from Youtube. While creating I used many tools that included: the shape builder tool, the pen tool, the direct selection tool, the shape tool, the line tool, the type box and the eyedropper tool. Before I started messing around with Adobe Illustrator I had sketched some possible designs for my personal logo. Once I had some concepts down I tried to make it happen in Illustrator; most of my logos transformed from there.
  3. Message: Allison Julia Houtz Design
  4. Audience: Those who are looking for someone to design something for them.
  5. Top Thing Learned: The pen tool as well as the direct selection tool. I was able to move the anchors exactly were I needed them.
  6. Three Color Scheme and Color Names:
  • The first image is: Complementary, Blue, Orange.
  • The second image is: Monochromatic, Blue.
  • The third image is: Analogous. Lime, Yellow, Gold.
  1. Three sets of Title / Body Font Names & Categories:
  • The first image: Happy Fox Condensed/ Happy Fox Condensed: Sans Serif
  • The second image: Happy Fox Condensed/ Happy Fox Condensed: Sans Serif
  • The third image: Mistral/ Helvetica : Decorative/ Sans Serif
  1. Votes on favorite logo: out of 6 people
  • Top Logo = 1; Middle Logo = 2; Bottom Logo = 3;

My favorite logo is the middle logo with the blue mountains.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Jeff Nishijima says:

    I really like the middle logo because the depth within the logo. I like the color scheme as well it makes it stand out and very appealing. The font goes with the design and really compliments the message of the design. I also like the simplicity of the design.


  2. ninaolsen16 says:

    I really like your designs! I would have to say the bottom design is my favorite. I love how simple and clean your designs look. I think you really conveyed your message well through your logos. I really think you did a good job selecting your font, it looks very creative. Check out my design:


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