Project 4 Montage



  1. Description: A Photoshop montage that is spiritual in nature.
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, Steps taken while designing): This project was so great. Once I had an understanding of how to work the Adobe Photoshop tools I could pull myself away from the computer. For this photoshop project I pondered what images I wanted to use in this montage. So as usual, I consulted pinterest. I searched for portraits of people in color or in black and white. Next I looked for some of my favorite quotes that mean something to me; quotes that could mean something to someone else. Next I looked at pictures of nature. After making five different montages I wanted to try something with animals, which led to getting owls, bears, lions and possibly wolves. I settled on Andrew Garfield with the lion and the quote “I am convinced that different people awaken different beats in you.” Once I had these things I set out to arranging them properly in photoshop. I set Andrew as the background and copied the picture. Once I had a copy I put a mask on it. Next I added the picture of the black and white lion. I made the picture to the proper size and placed it right over Andrew’s left eye. After I place the lion I went back to the mask on the copy. While on the mask I use the paintbrush tool and change the opacity various times so that I could blend the image of the lion with Andrew. After I finished with the paintbrush I added the blue square and made it opaque. Next I added a text box and placed my quote.
  3. Message: I wanted to portray that we all have beasts. The picture of Andrew Garfield looks distressed and some of our personal beasts have that effect on us.
  4. Audience: Anyone who agrees with the idea that we have beast in us that are awakened by different people.
  5. Top Thing Learned: When I was working on a different picture I used the quick selection tool to take one section of an image and place it on another. When doing that I had to get the pictures to match and I was able to change the colors so that it didn’t stand out so bad. I also learned that blending takes time and patience.
  6. Filter / Colorization used and where it was applied: Sharpen
  7. Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic. Blue.
  8. Title Font Name & Category: Marion Regular; Century Gothic.
  9. Copy Font Name & Category: Marion Regular; Century Gothic.
  10. Thumbnails of Images used:andrewlion2
  11. Sources (Links to images on original websites / with title of site):
    1. Title: shattenbereich
    2. Title: Tumblr/Universe of Chaos

Here are some other images I created while working on this project:




2 Comments Add yours

  1. Page says:

    Hey Allison, I love your design. I’ve actually seen before and love that portrait of Andrew Garfield. I like that you went for something that wasn’t blatantly spiritual or the project. I think that made the audience have to think about it a little bit more. The text box being blue is cool because it helps be the focal point and not disappear in the detail of the faces. It looks like you had a lot of fun with this. It turned out great!
    Here’s a link to my own blog:
    Here’s a link to a classmates blog that I like:


  2. ashleyschellhous says:

    I love your project, Allison. I like the contrast of the blue text box. My favorite thing about your image is your white space. Your picture is really simple and clean. From looking through a lot of the other blogs, it seems like we were more scared of white space than usual with this project because we wanted to fill any space we could with a mask. But I love that you kept it simple by using just the two images.

    Here’s a link to my blog post:


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